1. Pacific West Association of Realtors: http://pwr.net
2. Califorrnia Association of Realtors: http://www.car.org
3. National Association of Realtors: http://www.realtor.org
4. LA County office of the assessor: http://assessor.lacounty.gov
5. Century21 Online: http://www.21online.com
6. Beachside Realtors Corporation: http://www.beachsiderealtorscorp.com
7. Integrity Inspections: http://integrity-inspections.com
8. ITC Profile: https://www.itcprofile.com
9. First American: https://www.myfirstam.com
10. CA Department of Real Estate: http://www.dre.ca.gov
11. U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD): http://www.hudhomestore.com
12. Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System & Registry: http://mortgage.nationwidelicensingsystem.org
13. Bank of America Agent Resource Center: https://agentresources.bankofamerica.com/shortsale
14. Equator: https://www.equator.com
15. Loan Closers: https://loan-closers.com
16. Cerritos College: http://www.cerritos.edu